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C&T Wilkins No.1 | Fly Press - Throat 3" - Height Under 6" (23)
Denbigh No.6 | Fly Press - Throat Depth 6"Throat Height 8"(40)
Denbigh No.6 | Fly Press - Throat 6" - Height Under 8" (38)
Denbigh No.6 | Fly Press No126 Throat Height 9" Throat Depth 6"
Edwards No.2 T | Fly Press - Throat 5" - Height Under 9"
J.Neilson No.3 | Fly Press - Throat 5" - Height Under 7" (14)
Norton 3DB | Fly Press - Throat 10" - Height Under 9"
Norton No. | Fly Press - Throat 3" - Height Under 5" (22)
Norton No.4 | Fly Press - Throat 5" - Height Under 7" (11)
Norton No.4 | Fly Press - Throat 5" - Height Under 7" (15)
Norton No.5 | Fly Press Throat Height 11" Throat Depth 5" (35)
Norton Sweeneys we have them all 2/3/4/5/ S/T/deep throat | Many Items
Sweeney No.3 | Fly Press - Throat 5
Sweeney No.4 | Fly Press - Throat 5
Sweeney No.5 | Fly Press - Throat 4
Sweeney No.6 | Fly Press - Throat 5
Sweeney No.6 | Fly Press - Throat 5
Sweeney No.6 | Fly Press No.124 Throat Height 9
Sweeney & Blocksidge No. 7 | Air Converted Hand / Fly Press
Sweeney & Blocksidge No.4 | Fly Press on a Stand Throat 5" / Height 7"
Sweeney & Blocksidge No.4 | Fly Press
Sweeney & Blocksidge No.5 | Fly Press 6
Sweeney & Blocksidge No.8 | Fly Press - Throat 330mm Height Under 270mm
Sweeney & Blocksidge NO.8 | Fly Press - Throat 7" - Height Under 10"